Something doesn’t look right with my refund amount
If your refund isn't adding up, take some time to review all of the information you've reported on your tax return. Have you included all your deductions and reported all your income? Does your return need to be unlocked so you can make changes?
If everything has been entered correctly, the amount of your refund is accurate. If you're ever in doubt, feel free to let us know. We’ll be happy to guide you through any questions.
My refund is not the same as my estimated tax savings
Your estimated tax savings amount is an estimate of how much your tax bill will be reduced by applying all your deductions to your tax return. It is not the same as a tax refund.
You can review how the estimated tax savings amount is calculated by tapping on the amount in the app. You'll be able to review your total deductions and your estimated tax rate to see how the amount is calculated.
Why did my refund amount change?
Sometimes, the IRS may accept your return but make changes to the amount of your refund.
This doesn't happen very often. But if it does, you’ll receive a letter or notice from the IRS explaining why it made the change and offering instructions on how to challenge it if you don't agree with their decision.
As long as the information you include on your return is accurate, there's no reason to be concerned.
How long does it take to receive my refund?
If you’re owed a tax refund, it takes the IRS and state 21 business days on average to process your return and remit payment. However, it may take longer. With that said, many people receive their refund much sooner!
What’s the status of my refund?
You can check the status of your federal refund by:
- Using the online IRS Where’s My Refund? tool
- Calling the IRS at 800-829-1954 during their support hours of 7 AM to 7 PM local time, Monday to Friday.
You can check the status of your state tax refund by visiting your state tax website:
I filed with Keeper and I haven’t received my refund
If you've filed with us and your return has been accepted by the IRS, you can track the status of your refund directly at the IRS website, using the online IRS Where’s My Refund? tool
Keep in mind, refunds on simple returns can be processed in as few as 21 days. But things can take longer if the IRS is running behind or needs to verify any information.
If more than 90 days have passed since you filed your return, we suggest reaching out to the IRS directly at 800-829-1040 to check on the status of your refund. You can also schedule an in-person appointment with the IRS through this link:
📝 Please note that if you are expecting both federal and state refunds, they may come at different times. Since the IRS and state agencies operate separately, you might receive your federal refund before your state refund, or vice versa.