One of the key features we provide is the ability to export your deductions. To access this option, you’ll need an active subscription plan (at least the monthly plan) to download an export copy.
We track your expenses throughout the year, ensuring they’re readily accessible whenever you need them. If you’d like a copy of your deductions to print or use elsewhere, you can easily export them as a spreadsheet. Please note, however, that the export will only include business-related expenses or those eligible for your Schedule C (Form 1040). While you can track personal expenses within the app, the export feature is designed exclusively for business deductions.
Below is a sample of what your export copy looks like.
If you need a template like this one to track your expenses, you can download a free copy here.
How to export a copy of your deductions
To export a copy of your deductions, start by going to the 'Deductions' section in the app or web dashboard. Next, choose the tax year for which you want to export expenses, then select the three-dot menu in the top-right corner.
The email containing your exported data will have the subject line 'Your export is ready!' If you do not see it, please be sure to check your spam or junk folder. Kindly note that the link to download your export copy expires after 7 days. If the link expires, you can just email yourself a new one!
📝 You can easily export a copy of your deductions for both the current and previous years. If you've been tracking your expenses with us for a longer period and need copies for earlier years, simply let us know, and we’ll be glad to send you the information via email.
Understanding your export copy
In this section, we’ll help you navigate your export copy, detailing each sheet and how to organize your expenses to suit your needs, such as obtaining a total for each expense category.
📝 Currently, the app does not provide a total amount of your expenses by category. If you need to calculate the total, we suggest exporting a copy of your deductions.
The first sheet, titled 'Schedule C Categories,' provides a summary of your total expenses categorized by Schedule C. This summary can assist you in completing your Schedule C (Form 1040) when filing your taxes. If you choose to file your taxes with us, we’ll automatically complete the Schedule C form for you, along with your reported self-employment or business income.
The second sheet, 'Other Expenses - Grouped,' presents the total of expenses listed under 'Other Expenses' from the first sheet. Here, you’ll find business expenses that don’t fit into specific Schedule C categories, such as software, storage, shipping and more, which are categorized as Other Expenses.
Finally, the third sheet, 'All Business Expenses,' encompasses all the business expenses you’ve tracked with us. It includes additional details such as the purchase date, expense/merchant name, amount, Schedule C category, expense subtype, and any notes you’ve added.
If you want to view your expenses within a specific date range, you can easily sort the expense date column from the most recent to the oldest, or vice versa.
If you need to calculate the total for a specific expense or category, you can sort the expenses in the third sheet alphabetically and then add the amounts by category or expense name.
Note: While the app is great for tracking your business expenses and filing your return, the exported copy of your deductions cannot replace actual receipts or bank statements during an audit. We’ll provide you with an export of the expenses you've tracked in the app, including your notes, but this is just to guide you when gathering the necessary receipts and bank statements to verify your business expenses.